Use cases
Manufacturing Company
Customer had no way of knowing if the injection mold machine ran of ganules material during unmanned run cycle or not.
Placing a sensor measuring temperature on the injection mold machine allowed for an alarm to be sent via SMS to personnel that could refill the granules.
- Minimize downtime
- Predictive maintenance
Mining & foundry industry
Customers need to know when it is safe for the forklift operator to pick up smelting trays that emits toxic fumes while cooling down in order to be compliant with safety regulations.
By using Wittra network and sensors for detecting particles in the air, tray temperatures, indoor 3D positioning with Thellio rule engine the operator gets a notification when and where it is safe to pick up the tray.
- Save costs and time by acting on correct information
- Safe work environment

Mining & foundry industry
Customers need to know when it is safe for the forklift operator to pick up smelting trays that emits toxic fumes while cooling down in order to be compliant with safety regulations.
By using Wittra network and sensors for detecting particles in the air, tray temperatures, indoor 3D positioning with Thellio rule engine the operator gets a notification when and where it is safe to pick up the tray.
- Save costs and time by acting on correct information
- Safe work environment
Waste management
Customers spend unnecessary time and effort manually checking if waste bins need emptying. This inefficient process can lead to either premature emptying or overflowing bins, both of which are undesirable and cost-ineffective.
Thellio uses smart sensors to constantly check the amount of waste inside a bin. When the bin is full, it sends an alarm to the right people, letting them know that the bin needs to be emptied.
- Save time by acting when needed
- Increase efficiency
- Reduce operational costs

Smart spaces
A realestate business need to know how their buildings are utilized in order to offer the correct office to the correct occupant.
By connecting rooms and desks to Thellio it is easier to optimize spaces for matching the right occupant to the right office.
- Save time by cleaning rooms that are dormant
- Reduce vacant offices and rooms
- Optimize heating, ventilation and maintenance
Smart spaces
A realestate business need to know how their buildings are utilized in order to offer the correct office to the correct occupant.
By connecting rooms and desks to Thellio it is easier to optimize spaces for matching the right occupant to the right office.
- Save time by cleaning rooms that are dormant
- Reduce vacant offices and rooms
- Optimize heating, ventilation and maintenance

White label application
Customers need a customizable application to provide insights and control to end customers and service technicians.
Connect any reporting asset to Thellio and configure the application to fit the need of a specific customer or end customer.
Get in app branding down to end customer level.
- Cut costs with fast onboarding
- Avoid costly software projects

Transportation company
Trucks are waiting to be unloaded outside customers facilities
By connecting rooms and desks to Thellio it is easier to optimize spaces for matching the right occupant to the right office.
- Reduce idle time
- Monitor temperatures during food transports
Transportation company
Trucks are waiting to be unloaded outside customers facilities
By tracking the trucks customers can estimate when they arrive at the loading docks and plan better.
- Reduce idle time
- Monitor temperatures during food transports